“The Mystic Onion” is a creative collaborative project between the art director Eva Riu and the illustrator Alberto Gabari, linking fashion and art. His first works were translated into the contest of young designers “MerkaFAD” and later on other platforms, like the tradeshow “Bread & Butter” the catwalk “ego of Pasarela Cibeles”. 2003-2010
Bibliography: Urban Fashion Flavor, Editorial Monsa 2010, Barcelona Brand new Fashion Designers, modafad 2009, Graphic Fashion Design, ilustration & trends, Promopress 2009, Urban Bags, Editorial Monsa 2009, 1000 Tips By 100 Fashion Designers, Mao mao publications 2009, Bcn.urb, Ajuntament de Barcelona 2007
ClientOwn ProjectServicesBranding, Graphic Image, Web, Fashion, Ads, Interior, Art Direction,...